Professional Sod Delivery and installation

Non Insect Pest Related Problems You may Encounter in North Florida Turf Management

     With our warm winters and hot and humid summers a varity of non insect pest related problems may occaisionally occur in your lawn grass.

     Knowing how to identify those problems when they occur can save countless worry and unecessary treatments that dont help anything at all.

     Get to know at what point those issues may become something that will need to be treated by you to save your lawn or if it will go away with a few maintenance changes. It is the key to a successful long term lawn management plan.

     By knowing what your dealing with as well as when and how to treat it, you save yourself time and money and save the environment unnecessary chemical use. Its a win win situation.

     There are several cultural practies that will help to eliminate or reduce the need for chemical control of diseases in the landsape. Make sure you are using proper watering and maintenance teqniques including proper mowing height and frequency before looking for other culprits of disease in the lawn.

Improperly used pesticides, insect injury, and improper cultural management of the specific grass variety you have in your lawn can often mimick disease problems. Before treating a lawn disease chemically consider having your lawn problem diagnosed by the professionals. If you are a do it yourself kind of person, take samples to our local Agricultural Extension Services. Having your lawn problem diagnosed is surprisingly easy and affordable.

I hope we can help.




Brown Patch

Centipede Grass Decline

Dollar Spot

Fairy Ring

Gray Leaf Spot


Pythium Root Rot

Rhizoctonia Leaf Spot

Rust Problems


Slime Mold

St. Augustine Take all root rot 
